“Cancer & Cowboys Suck!”

“Cancer & Cowboys Suck!”

Set as the featured image of CBS Houston’s article, Jamie Gilmore & Garrick Glascock hold their sign reading “Cancer & Cowboys Suck” at the Houston Texans vs Dallas Cowboys game on Oct. 5, 2014! #GoTexans #Texans4BCA #JamiesHope #CBS Check out the article here:...
Texans Fans at MD Anderson

Texans Fans at MD Anderson

Just in case anybody was wondering, here is a picture with the 2nd Biggest Texans fan at MD Anderson!! Of course I am the #1 fan, lol Jewels has been taking my blood for almost 2 years now. When I first started getting my labs drawn with her I was a complete wreck. I was extremely nervous, once I took a whiff of the alcohol pad after they prepped my arm for the stick it was all over and then I was hyperventilating, near fainting…… just the anticipation of the blood draw gave me extreme anxiety!! Even at 31 (was actually 30 at the start of chemo), a grown woman turned into a 5 year old and if I happened to be lucky and my Dad was there I would hold his hand every time (maybe correct word is squeeze) Jewels is so good she would stick me and I could hardly feel a thing. As time went on I got to the point where I trusted her 100% and now I never have anxiety like before. I actually look forward to seeing her for my blood draw and talking about our Texans. ~...
Texans Taking Over San Francisco

Texans Taking Over San Francisco

In San Francisco for the Texans Game. Texans are everywhere!!!!!!! We are taking over!!!! Bye, Bye Blonde in pics and Hello Pink!!! My sister has wanted me to get a pink wig forever but now that I have a little hair and it’s breast cancer month it’s time for a little pink hair dye for the game ~...